1st Principals’ June 22’s Convocation
On a warm evening a dedicated troop of members assembled at the Bridgwater Temple and set up the Chapter. Shirtsleeves were the order of the day to get it done before the meeting.
At 6:30pm the Chapter was opened by the three Principals, E Comp Richard Ellis, MEZ, Ray Beckingham, acting H, and Ray Guthrie, J Elect. Once the Chapter was opened E Comp Ray Beckingham gave a brief Eulogy for three companions who had passed to the Grand Chapter Above and the companions stood in regards to departed merit. The Minutes being confirmed the DC, E Comp Adrian Halliwell, presented E Comp Ray Guthrie to E Comp Ray Beckingham to be Inducted into the Chair of Joshua.
The next item was to welcome those visiting companions from other Provincial 1st Principals Chapters which included Cornwall, Devon, Wiltshire, Worcester and Herefordshire, and the First Principals of Somerset Chapters. A ballot then took place for a joining companion: E Comp Ken Clarke from Chapter of St George which proved clear.
E Comp Ray B, the Almoner gave his report on those members who were unwell.
E Comp Richard Ellis then gave an interesting talk entitled “Passing the Veils” which gave an insight to the history of this ritual, which is now unique to the Province of Bristol and recommended those who have not seen this carried out should try and see this done.
The next item was to elect the Principals and Treasurer for the ensuing year, these are:
E Comp Ray Guthrie as Z, E Comp John Winston as H, E Comp Barry McCormack as J, and E Comp Doug Stembridge as Treasurer. The remaining officers for 2022-23 will be chosen by the incoming Principals.
There being no other business the Chapter was closed in peace and Harmony and the Companions retired under the direction of the DC to assemble for the Festive Board.
The Toasts were given and those present responded: that to MEGS was given by MEZ, that to the Province was given by E Comp Ken Clarke as he was the only one present who was not a Provincial Officer past or present! E Comp John Winston proposed the Visitors’ Toast which was ably responded to by E Comp Raymond Bennett.