Parrett and Axe Centenary Provincial Visit
On a rather stormy afternoon/evening the Provincial Team made their way from all points on the compass to gather for the 4:00pm rehearsal. Some were delayed by a bad crash on the A538, others just missed it. E Comp Ray Johnstone-Smith fell into the latter category by witnessing the incident and able to go around the scene, a good job as he had the accoutrements to setting up for the Ceremony of the Veils. The rehearsal finally got underway and the Team rearranged the Chapter so as to make room for the extra banners that would be needed. The rehearsal went quite well but fingers were crossed for the actual Veils Ceremony.
The Chapter was opened in due for at 6:30pm by MEZ E Comp Brian Palmer, the dispensation convening the meeting was read then E Comp Tony Cooper, PrGDC, entered and announced that E Comp Clive Lambert, Deputy Grand Superintendent in Charge together with the Provincial Team demanded admission. MEZ welcomed the DGSinC and the Team and proffered him the Sceptre which, on this occasion, E Comp Clive took and sat in the chair. The 2nd and 3rd Provincial Grand Principals, E Comps Neil Hurcum and Geoff Lester respectively, took their Sceptres also and the Team took their seats. E Comp Clive then introduced the events about to take place and explained that the Team would be doing a demonstration of the Passing of the Veils Ceremony as permitted by Supreme Grand Chapter.
The Chapter was then called from labour to refreshment and the Deputy GS asked E Comp Tony Beaumont, PrScribeE, to act as narrator. A report on the door which E Comp Adrian Halliwell, PrScribeN, advised the Principals. Bro Nathan Powers, acting as the candidate for the night, was received in and the ceremony continued with the assistance of numerous Team members Our Sojourners, E Comps Charlie Barker, Roger Karn, new ritual for them and they delivered it perfectly. E Comp David Parslow, who stood in at fairly short notice as 2nd Ass Soj, and again with “unfamiliar” ritual performed brilliantly. In particular E Comp Ray Johnstone-Smith, our PrJanitor, who worked tirelessly in getting together all the “bits & pieces” needed for the “Veils” and prepared the candidate in a way that put him at ease and made, I am sure, the experience for him one he will remember.
On completion of the Ceremony the Chapter was called from Refreshment and the DGSinC asked the PrGDC for the Principals of 814 to be presented to him, whereby he presented them with a Provincial Centenary Charter as the one from SGC had been delayed through Covid. E Comp Geoff Lester then gave a brief history of the Parrett and Axe Chapter (click here to see). E Comp Clive also stated that the Province will arrange for the SGC Centenary Charter will be presented by the Province when available.
The Principals were then returned to their rightful places and MEZ then thanked the Team for their outstanding work. He then proceeded with the other matters on the Agenda Which included: A ballot for three Brethren for Exaltation and another Companion as a joining member, all proved clear.
On the Second rising the DGSinC and the Provincial Team retired downstairs to the relax before the Festive Board which proved very enjoyable and MEZ presented E Comp Clive Lambert with a glass Centenary tankard.