The evening started off just like any other, we all arrived at the Nailsea Temple some of us very early and Hmmm some of us just in the knick of time as always Tonight was very special so the entire team was a little nervous from the rehearsal the night before. We all put our regalia on and proceeded to get the ceremony under way.
The meeting began by welcoming E Comp Barry Woodside, Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Province of Somerset. He was accompanied by E Comp Sandy Glen, PProv ADC, E Comp John Hewett, Prov Grand Standard Bearer and E Comp, Chris Brooks, Prov Grand Steward.
The outgoing First Principal E Comp Dale Shermon, presided despite only returning from his Caribbean Sojourn very early the previous day and we were very happy that his jet-lagged head had not caught up with him.
The MEZ, proffered MEGS the Sceptre hoping he would take over the ceremony, the Sceptre was returned as MEGS and the Provincial team had done lots of work at the May meeting.
The main business of the evening was the Installation of the Principals for the ensuing year. The First and Second Principals elect had already been past First Principals of Tyntesfield Chapter so only inductions were needed before E Comp David Maddern became Z and E. Comp Martin Slocombe became H. However, E. Comp Martin Slocombe provided an excellent installation of Comp Richard Hicken into the chair of Joshua, plus presented the Blue Robe Address.
The Principals appointed the officers with decorum, all Officers, except two being on holiday, were invested.
The address to the Principals was then presented by the MEGS. The Address to the Officers was presented by E Comp Richard Reeve and Address to the Companions by E Comp Iain Disdel.
After the Risings the Chapter was closed in peace and harmony and the companions adjourned for the Festive Board of Leek & Potato Soup, followed by Steak & Ale Pie, Chocolate & Rum Tiramisu and Coffee, all was quite simply delicious and home made by Sam our chef, as always up to the normal excellent Nailsea standard.
The festive board was going wonderfully until that is the Provincial ADC looked directly at me as E Comp Barry Woodside, Most Excellent Grand
Superintendent in and over the Province of Somerset, stood up and called my name out, I sank in my chair oh golly what had I done wrong in the ceremony up stairs, I walked gingerly to the top table feeling like a naughty school boy being called up in assembly in front of the head master, thankfully and gratefully it was to present me with the badge of my office as the Calderley Liaison Officer for the Tyntesfield Royal Arch Chapter 4494 meeting in Nailsea.
Phew I had a cold sweat on there for a moment, I asked E Comp Richard Ellis to take some pics for me as I was presented with my badge of office, we had to do a take 2 as he took 20 photos of himself, that’s one reason why were were all laughing so much even Richard, the friendly joviality of this degree is one reason why I love it so much, I really love this role and love going to The Calderley Royal Arch Chapter meetings, such great Companions and the debates about Chapter are very eye opening and inspiring, I will say I cannot urge highly enough all MM to consider fulfilling your journey into the Royal Arch its a wonderful degree full to the brim of jolly good fellow.
A very pleasant evening was had by all and I am sure the photos of the festive board say it far better than I can with mere words.
The next convocation will be an exaltation on 12th December 2019